
E-Learning Program (Bilingual)

Our rich pedagogy, comprising animated visuals and interactive activities, empower​​s​ ​teachers and engage​​s learners—thereby driving a deeper understanding and retention of concepts. The program is constantly upgraded by infusing best practices from high performing systems like Singapore. While students can access the resources independently, teachers can also create and issue assignments and adaptive quizzes from a question bank of exam papers and smart algorithms. While our program is available in Spanish for grades 3–5, schools that use the English version of HeyMath! find that apart from better outcomes in Mathematics, the program also enhances students' comprehension and fluency in English. Please click on the samples below to view the resources.


Teacher Professional Development

At HeyMath!, we recognize the impact good teachers can create and the fact that increasing the overall capacity of teachers will in turn influence the understanding and performance of the learners. It is well known that teachers are constantly challenged to keep up with current trends in education and technology while also managing their time efficiently so as to complete the syllabus. We understand, therefore, that any new initiative will be successful only if it helps teachers connect better with their learners, saves them time, helping them innovate in ways that enhance the teaching learning process.

Here are some glimpses from the HeyMath! in-service training programs:

Sports and Statistics
Sports and Statistics
Effective ways of using HeyMath! resources
Effective ways of using HeyMath! resources
Hands-on activities to teach Math
Hands-on activities to teach Math
CPA and Model Method from Singapore
CPA and Model Method from Singapore
Teaching probability through games
Teaching probability through games
Best practices in lesson planning
Best practices in lesson planning

Analytics & Remedial Support

Rich analytics and continuous support through the year include deep and insightful performance reports and recommendations for teachers based on student performance.

School Exam
Analysis of end-of-year exam results

Performance tracking in the end-of-year school exams showing distribution of students into the four categories.

Problem Areas Pie Chart Problem Areas Legend
Classwise performance in the different content areas

Snapshot of challenging topics based on the class' performance in the various topic areas.

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